Beam Energy Meeting -

Dubna, May 30 - June 01, 2006

Contributions and Summary

BPM based spectrometer for the ILC (pdf, 1,1MB) A. Liapine
The status of the magnetic field measurement bench (pdf, 840KB) N. Morozov
The magnetic bench mechanical design (pdf, ???KB) V. Romanov
Hardware and software for the magnetic bench (pdf, ???KB) O. Brovko
ESA test run April 2006 and first results (pdf, 1MB) B. Maiheu
BPM development at UCL (pdf, 740KB) A. Liapine
SR studies based on GEANT3 simulations (pdf, 730KB) K. Hiller
The detection of SR for beam energy measurement (ppt, 740KB) E. Syresin
SR studies based on GEANT4 simulations (pdf, ???KB) R. Makarov
Status of the draft on measuring the beam energy using SR, next steps (pdf, 260KB) J. Schreiber
Compton backscattering: it's application fot the ILC and simulation studies (pdf, 400KB) J. Schreiber
Results on beam energy measurement using Compton backscattering at Novosibirsk (pdf, 290KB) N. Muchnoi
The resonance absorption method for beam energy determination (pdf, 100KB) V. Nikogossian
Using the electric field of the ILC bunches for beam energy measurement (pdf, 350KB) E. Syresian, B. Zalikhanov
Summary (pdf, 80KB) V. Duginov, J. Schreiber

last update: 21.07.2006