Simulation Meeting, ECFA workshop Montpellier, Nov. 12-16


Simulation plenary report
Ties Behnke

For members of this group the Overall Detector Performance Group Session on Saturday afternoon will also be of particular interest!

Introduction Ties Behnke 5'
Status GEANT4 simulation: MOKKA Henri Videau 15'
Status LCIO Frank Gaede 20'
Status US simulation framework (Norman Graf)  20'
Fluka and Geant 4 Nigel Watson 15'


GEANT3 and GEANT4: comparison of tracking cutoffs George Mavromanolakis 10'
Predictions of properties of a calorimeter in GEANT 3 and GEANT4 Vassiliy Morgunov 20'
BRAHMS Status report Harald Vogt 20'
BRAHMS: native event display Karsten Buesser 10'
SGV Status report Mikael Beggren 20'
ZVTOP - SGV integration Tobias Haas 20'


Last updated on 11/12/02 by Ties Behnke