Quick reference guide Scientific Linux for DESY

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6. Mail

& S
If a command is terminated by & the shell executes it in the background.  
Send the running process a TERM signal that usually terminates the process.  
Send the running process a TSTP signal that usually suspends the process.  
bg [job[s]] S
Put suspended jobs[s] or the current suspended job in the background.
The syntax for the job[s] argument is %number
Edit (-e), list (-l), or remove (-r) crontab files. To install a crontab from file the command crontab file can be used as well. The format of the file for running commands at regular intervals is
minute hour day month day_of_week command
(0-59, *) (0-23, *) (1-31, *) (1-12, *) (0-6, *)
fg [job[s]] S
Bring specified job[s] or the current job to the foreground.  
jobs [job[s]] S
Display the status of specified or all running and suspended jobs.  
kill [-s signame | signumber ] process_ID[s] S
kill -l [signal]  
Terminate or signal a process. Send signumber or signame to process_ID[s]. By default the TERM signal (15) is sent that usually terminates the process. With -l all valid signal names can be listed or if signal is given the corresponding name or number is printed (tcsh: /bin/kill -l signal).  
nohup program [arguments]
Run a command immune to hangups, i.e continues to run after logging out. STDOUT is redirected to nohup.out or /nohup.out Documentation
nice [-value] program (not csh and tcsh)
nice [+value] program (csh and tcsh only) S
Run program with modified scheduling priority. Without value the priority is decreased by 10, allowed values are 1 to 19. Documentation
pp [string] A
Report process status of processes that match string (regular expression).  
ps [-ely] [pid[s]]
ps [aux] [pid[s]]  
Report process status. For a list of all processes use pp without arguments instead. ps accepts BSD-like options (without dash) or UNIX options (preceded by dash). The combination of options given is useful to display own processes.  
pstree [-ap] [pid |user]
Display a tree of processes. With -a show the command line of processes, -p displays the process ID.  
qps [-efl] [pid[s]]
Visual process status monitor. Superior to pstree and top.  
renice priority [-g gid[s]] [-p pid[s]] [-u user[s]]
Alter priority of running processes. Users can set priority from 0 (normal) to 19 (very nice). Processes are selected by gid pid uid or user name.  
sched [+]hh:mm command[s] (tcsh and zsh only) S
sched [-item] (tcsh and zsh only)  
Execute command[s] at hh:mm or after +hh:mm hours. With no arguments, prints the list of scheduled commands. With the argument -item, removes the given item from the list.  
time command S
Time a command. CPU times and the real elapsed time are reported.  
Display top CPU processes. For a quick overview of the system load use uptime instead.  
Prints current time, how long the system has been running and the average load within the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes. Documentation
xosview P
X based system monitor. Displays the status of several system based parameters in a small window.  

The DESY mail servers do not honor .forward files to influence the mail forwarding and processing. Commands like xbiff or vacation do not work. Mail forwarding can be configured using the central DESY registry. Mail filtering will usually be configured in the mail client, but the Zeuthen Mailserver allows for user defined server side filtering as well.

alpine [-h] [options] [address[es]] P
Mail (and NetNews) reader. The following options influence the startup:
-f folder open folder instead of INBOX
-F file open file and view with internal browser
-i start up in the folder index screen
-I keystrokes execute keystrokes on startup
-o start up with first folder in read only mode

An iconized xterm with running alpine can be used as xbiff replacement.
evolution [-c component] [--force-shutdown] PZ
Email and groupware program (Gnome). The mail component (like the other components calendar, contacts, tasks) can be started individually using -c mail. To stop all evolution related processes use --force-shutdown.  
KDE email client  
mail [-b bcc-addr] [-c cc-addr] [-s subject] to-addr[s] f
Send and receive mail. For compatibility with other systems mailx is a link to mail. Useful to send files and short messages from the command prompt or within scripts. The message is expected on STDIN (terminated by a single dot on a line or by EOF, that is CTRL-D in the shell)  
thunderbird P
mail (and news) reader of the Mozilla project.  

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