CHEPī97 Notes for UNIX Users



Be sure to read the Read Me First (readme.htm) in the top level directory of the CD-ROM.

These pages were designed for Netscape Navigator 3.02 or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 with a resolution of 1024x768 (minimal 800x600) and 65.536 colors (minimal 256).

In order to access the CD-ROM, you need a Web browser and helper applications. We have provided a list of internet sites where you can find a free browser, software to print postscript files and helper applications for the browser.

We recommend that you use the Internet Software from :

Netscape Navigator 3.02 Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02

Before navigating in CHEPī97 pages, please adapt the browser window to the displayed HTML page.

Note also that your UNIX file system must be equipped with "Rockridge extensions" in order to handle such things as long file names and mixed case file names. Most recent versions of UNIX have this so this should not be an area of difficulty. We mention it just in case you encounter difficulty in this area.

Note that in order to cause your browser to download (as opposed to display) files containing software programs, you may have to hold down a modifier key, click a different mouse button while clicking on the link to the software file, or click the checkbox in a pulldown menu option. Additionally, other keys may have to be pressed in order to force a binary download.

Ghostview and Ghostscript

Ghostview and Ghostscript are used to view postscript files on your display.

They are available at the
University of Wisconsin Web Server


The Player MpegTV Player 1.0 allows you to display this file format on a UNIX platform.

This program is a shareware product and available for Linux, Solaris and Irix.

For more detail information look at


Normally, you can find on all Sun Sparc Workstations the program "audioTool", which allows you to play audio files at your Workstation. We recommend you to use this application as a standard for playing audio files (*.au) in your Web-Browser. Please change the Helper Application for the MIME-Type audio/basic in the Preferences (options) in your Web-browser.