Zeuthen Workshop on Elementary Particle Physics
- Loops and Legs in Gauge Theories -
to be held in
Rheinsberg, Sunday, April 19 - Friday, April 24 1998
Poster click here
Pictures of the Workshop (NEW, 5 June 1998)
Registration, Reservation, Travelling (18 March 1998): click here
List of Participants (2 April 1998): click here
The (not very successfully formatted)
Program (15 April 1998):
click here
List of Talks (14 April 1998): click here
Program Committee: click here
We expect up to 60 participants (the number is limited due to accomodation).
The former workshops: click here
Rheinsberg is nicely located North of Berlin in a landscape dominated by lakes and forests.
Rheinsberg is also one of the famous historical sites of Brandenburg. Here Friedrich the Great, the later Prussian King, lived as a Prince. In the Rheinsberg years his friendship to Voltaire begun. The conference site will be located near the Palace.
Organizing Committee:
Tord Riemann , Johannes Blümlein
Conference Secretary:
Martina Mende, Jochen Biebel, Stefan Kurth, Mark Jack, Kurt Riesselmann
E-mail: rhein98@ifh.de