Homepage of Worldwide Study for Future Linear e+ e- colliders Homepage of ECFA Study of Physics and Detectors for a Linear Collider



The Internatonal Linear Collider is the future international particle accelerator project of the worldwide HEP community. It involves an International Linear Collider Machine and Detector R&D program and related physics studies.
Software has been developed and will be provided to support this. Our Web page presents tools and links especially for the European activities.
This page is a continuation of the former ECFA Simulation Group page

Meetings, Special Announcements:

  • 2005 International Linear Collider Workshop (LCWS05) WEB page
  • Large Detector Workshop in Paris, 13-15 January, 2005 WEB page
  • Dec 20, 2004:  a CVS server is set up for code development
  • LC Simulation Mini Workshop, DESY, Hamburg, 9.12.2004-10.12.2004 WEB page
  • ECFA Study Durham workshop, Durham, 1-4 September, 2004
  • International Conference on Linear Colliders, Paris, 19-23 April 2004: WEB page
  • First Workshop, Montpellier, 12-16 November, 2003 Simulation meeting
  • Fourth Workshop, Amsterdam, 1-4 April, 2003 Link
  • Third Workshop, Prague, 15-18 November, 2002: Simulation Agenda
  • St Malo: Simulation meeting
  • CERN, November 15/16, 2001: GEANT4@LC discussion meeting

  • The goal of the simulation working group within the ECFA linear collider study which is part of the Worldwide Study for Future Linear e+ e- colliders is twofold:

  • provide tools to the community for doing simulations of the physics at the linear collider based on the existing tools
  • develop in the medium term a modern simulation and analysis framework for the linear collider physics community
  • The initial guidelines of the simulation group may be found on the Simulation Guidelines Page.

    CERNLIB for AMD64/Intel® EM64T and Itanium

    CERNLIB for AMD64/Intel® EM64T (x86-64) - now obsolete

    Software tools:

    Parametric fast MC
    V4.1.1 Old SIMDET development Web page
    V4.01 SIMDET V4.01 Users Guide html (ps)
    DESY 02-061
    V3.1 obsolete
    SIMDET V3.1 Users Guide DESY 99-030
    V2.0 obsolete
    SIMDET V2.0 Users Guide
    Parametric fast MC, but based on hits rather than tracks and clusters
    V2.31 Homepage of SGV (Mikael Berggren)
    GEANT3 based full Monte Carlo
    V3.1.2 BRAHMS documentation page
    V308 obsolete
    BRAHMS user guide html (ps)
    V305 obsolete
    BRAHMS user guide
    Event Display
    OPACS based event display using the GEANT3 based geometry description
    V2.00 depreciated
    GEANT4 based full Monte Carlo for an ILC large detector
    V03-04 MOKKA Web page
    Persistency framework :  a data model for linear collider detector studies
    V1.3.1 LCIO Web page
    Modular Anlysis and Reconstruction for the LINear collider
    V00-06 Marlin Web page
    A Collection of Processors for Marlin
    V00-06 MarlinReco Web page
    A C++ Class Library for performing Charged Particle Accelerator Simulations
    V3.0 Merlin Web page
    Linear Collider Conditions Data toolkit
    V0.1 lccd Web page
    Software for Calorimeter R&D
    V00-02 CALICE Web page
    Software for EUDET Detector R&D
    V00-00 EUDET Web page
    Java Analysis Studio 3 (with LCIO plugin)
    V0.7.7 JAS3 Web page


    Code management

    All of the CVS projects have been moved now to the new SVN server
    (see the SVN Server for Software Repositories).
    The CVS server was switched off on Dec 31. 2009

    The code of each of the following packages one can get via the SVN Server for Software Repositories).













    Previous conveners: Software repositories maintainer:

     Originally created by H. Vogt
     Last updated  Wed Mar 24, 2010 H. Vogt