Quantum gravity and random surfaces 1

Chair: R. Loll Sun, Aug 19, 16:40 - 18:00, hall B
16:40 Anagnostopoulos, Konstantinos beamer
J. Ambjorn, K.N. Anagnostopoulos, W. Bietenholz,F. Hofheinz, J. Nishimura, P. Olesen
The Quantum Geometry of String Theory
17:00 Wosiek, Jacek
P. Bialas and J. Wosiek
Towards the lattice study of M-theory (II)
17:20 Warner, Simeon
Simeon Warner, Simon Catterall
Simplicial gravity with higher derivative terms
17:40 Horata, Shinichi beamer
H.S.Egawa, S.Horata and T.Yukawa
Clear Evidence of a Continuum Theory of 4D Euclidean Simplicial Quantum Gravity

Technical assistance: S. Necco, T. Windisch

last modified: Mon Aug 20 11:07:00 2001 lattice2001@desy.de