Improvement and renormalization 2

Chair: S. Capitani Mon, Aug 20, 10:50 - 12:30, hall B
10:50 Gupta, Rajan
T. Bhattacharya, R. Gupta, W. Lee, S. Sharpe
Scaling behavior of improvement and renormalization constants
11:10 Wolff, Ulli
Achim Bode, Roberto Frezzotti, Bernd Gehrmann, Martin Hasenbusch, Jochen Heitger, Karl Jansen, Stefan Kurth, Juri Rolf, Hubert Simma, Stefan Sint, Rainer Sommer, Peter Weisz, Hartmut Wittig and Ulli Wolff
First results on the running coupling in QCD with two massless flavours
11:30 Gehrmann, Bernd
Bernd Gehrmann, Juri Rolf, Stefan Kurth, Ulli Wolff
Schrödinger functional at negative flavour number
11:50 Di Pierro, Massimo
Massimo Di Pierro and Paul Mackenzie
On the non-pertubative tuning of the O(a^2) improved Kogut-Susskind action
12:10 Hauswirth, Simon
P. Hasenfratz, S. Hauswirth, K. Holland, T. Jorg, F. Niedermayer
First results from a parametrized Fixed-Point QCD action

Technical assistance: S. Necco, T. Windisch

last modified: Mon Aug 20 11:07:00 2001