Useful Papers
H.A. Tolhoek
Electron Polarization, Theory and Experiment
F.W. Lipps, H.A. Tolhoek
Polarization Phenomena of Electrons and Photons I, Physica 20, 85 (1954)
F.W. Lipps, H.A. Tolhoek
Polarization Phenomena of Electrons and Photons II, Physica 20, 395 (1954)
W. H. McMaster
Matrix Representation of Polarization
H. Olsen, L.C. Maximon
Photon and Electron Polarization in High-Energy Bremsstrahlung and Pair Production with Screening
K. Flöttman
Investigations Toward the Development of Polarized and Unpolarized High Intensity Positron Sources for Linear Colliders (PhD thesis)
J.M. Hoogduin
Electron, positron and photon polarimetry (PhD thesis)
Y. K. Batygin, T. Katayama
Spin depolarization due to beam-beam collisions
Gideon Alexander et. al.
Measurement of low energy longitudinal polarised positron beams via a Bhabha polarimeter
Gideon Alexander et. al.
E166 Proposal
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