Possibilities for Diploma and PhD theses


Upcoming events:

Name of event





2011 Linear Collider Workshop of the Americas (ALCPG11) 19-23 Mar. 2011 Eugene, USA  
Other announcements:

Record of past announcements:

Name of event





International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 (IWLC 2010) 18-22 Oct. Geneva, Switzerland  
FCAL Collaboration Meeting 03-05 Oct. Tel Aviv, Israel  
Fifth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders 25 Oct.-05 Nov. Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland  
FCAL Collaboration Meeting 12-13 Apr. Cracow, Poland  
The 2010 Linear Collider Workshop (LCWS10) 26-30 Mar. Beijing, China  
Vienna Conference on Instrumentation 2010 15-20 Feb. Vienna, Austria  
ILD Workshop 2010, 4th Workshop on ILD 28-30 Jan. Paris, France  


IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference 25-31 Oct. Orlando, Florida, USA  
FCAL Collaboration Meeting 21-22 Oct. CERN, Geneva  
2009 Linear Collider Workshop of the Americas 29 Sept.-3 Oct. Albuquerque, New Mexico  
TWEPP 21-25 Sept. Paris, France  
Lepton Photon 2009 17-22 August Hamburg, Germany  
Linear Collider Physics School 2009 17-23 August Ambleside, UK  
FCAL Collaboration Meeting 29-30 June DESY-Zeuthen, Germany  
Asian Linear Collider Meeting 17-21 April Tsukuba, Japan  
TIPP09: The 1st international conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 12-17 March Epocal Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan  
ILD Workshop at Seoul 16-18 February Seoul, Korea  


International Linear Collider Workshop 2008 LCWS08 and ILC08 16-20 November University of Illinois at Chicago Some talks available in Docs & Info section
IEEE 2008 Nuclear Science Symposium 19 - 25 October Dresden, Germany Some talks available in Docs & Info section
EUDET Annual Meeting  6-8 October Nikhef, Amsterdam Some talks available in Docs & Info section
FCAL Collaboration Workshop 22-24 September Belgrade, Serbia  
Conference on the Design/Optimization of the Silicon Detector at the International Linear Collider 11-13 September Boulder, Colorado   
ILD Meeting 11-13 September Cambridge, UK  
ILD ECFA Workshop 9-12 June Warsaw, POLAND  
FCAL Collaboration Workshop 6-7 May Krakow, POLAND Photo More photos in Workshop web
TILC08 3-6 March Sendai, JAPAN  
ILD Workshop 14-16 January DESY-Zeuthen, GERMANY  

Update of FCAL web page
Contributions to NoRDHIa Workshop at GSI (Darmstadt) available in 'Docs & Info' section on left menu
New figure of BeamCal in the 'Information' section on left menu
 "BeamCal readout system" report available in the *Restricted* area.
New organization of Docs&Info section.


IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium 27 October-3 November Honolulu, USA  
ALCPG07 22-26 October FNAL, USA  
10th ICATPP Conference 8-12 October Como, ITALY  
EUDET Annual Meeting 2007 8-10 October Paris, FRANCE  
FCAL Collaboration Meeting 5-6 October LAL-Orsay, FRANCE  
ILC Interaction Region Engineering Design Workshop 17-21 September SLAC, USA  
LDC Detector Integration Meeting 5-6 September DESY-Hamburg, GERMANY  
Linear Collider Workshop 2007 30 May-3 June DESY-Hamburg, GERMANY  
FCAL Collaboration Meeting  29 May  DESY-Zeuthen, GERMANY  Photo: small (96K), big (1.9M)
The 9th ACFA ILC Physics & Detector Workshop & ILC GDE Meeting 4-7 February
Beijing, CHINA
European Linear Collider Workshop 8-9 January Daresbury Lab, UK  

Sensor Irradiation Testbeam in Darmstadt at the S-DALINAC, June 25th to July 1st


ILC Workshop 6-10 November Valencia, SPAIN  
EUDET Annual Meeting 2006 18-20 October Munich, GERMANY  
FCAL Workshop 17 October Munich, GERMANY  
Linear Collider Workshop 19-22 July Vancouver, CANADA  
61st DESY PRC Meeting 11-12 May Hamburg, GERMANY New PRC site: http://prc.desy.de/
ILC Software and Physics Meeting 4-6 April Cambridge, UK  
Linear Collider Workshop (LCWS) 9-13 March Bangalore, INDIA Link to talks
FCAL Workshop 12-13 February Krakow, POLAND  

FCAL Collaboration email list
The Detector Outline Document of the LDC design features the new FCAL geometries for 2mrad and 20mrad.  Document available here (LDC web page) and also some info at your disposal in Figures section.
May 2006: Homepage update: updated all sections, removed email addresses from the Members and Contacts section.
May 2006: Added a new section about our email list
August 2006: Added the new section "Authors". There the author list of the FCAL collaboration is deposited. Also available as a tex-file.
October 2005: release of FCAL Collaboration web page
Release of FCAL coordinate system: see ps file or pdf file
November 2005: updated geometries for large crossing angles


AFCA: Asian Committee for Future Accelerators
ALCPG: American Linear Collider Physics Group
EFCA: European Committee for Future Accelerators
EUDET: Detector R&D towards the International Linear Collider
FCAL: Forward Calorimeter
GDE: Global Design Effort
ICATPP: International Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics
ILC: International Linear Collider
ILD: International Large Detector
LCWS: Linear Collider Workshop
PRC: Physics Research Committee
TILC: joint ACFA physics and detector workshop and the GDE meeting on the International Linear Collider