
International Conference on

Computing in High Energy Physics

Berlin, Lichtenberger Congress Center
April 7-11, 1997

Computing in High Energy Physics (CHEP) is a major series of international conferences for physicists and computing professionals from the High Energy Physics community, Computer Science, and IT industry. The CHEP conference provides an international forum to exchange the experience and needs for the community, and to review recent, ongoing, and future activities.

The CHEP conference was organized by Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) which has locations in Hamburg and in Zeuthen (near Berlin).

Over the last 8 years, this conference has been held in different countries around the world:
Oxford, UK (April 89), Santa Fe, USA (April 90), Tsukuba, Japan (March 91), Annecy, France (September 92), San Francisco, USA (April 94), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (September 95).

Conference Secretariat
     DESY-Zeuthen              Fax:   +49 33762 77-501
     Platanenallee 6           Phone: +49 33762 77-500
     D-15738 Zeuthen           Email:
     Germany                   URL:

last update Aug 25, 1997