ODBMS for LHC detector simulation

Paper: 222
Session: C (talk)
Speaker: Asai, Makoto, Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Hiroshima
Keywords: C++, data bases, ODBMS's, simulation, simulation tools

ODBMS for LHC detector simulation

Makoto ASAI
Hiroshima Institute of Technology
2-1-1 Miyake, Saeku-ku, Hiroshima, 731-51, Japan
GEANT4 (CERN RD44) Collaboration


One of the new and powerful feature of the new GEANT4 detector simulation
toolkit is the newly designed "Hits + Digitization" category. Using
this, user can easily simulate responses of his/her own detector setup.
On the other hand, it is well known that the huge number of simulated
events are essential to large scale high energy experiments. Simulated
detector responses are one candidate of heavy users of OODBMS.
In this talk, according to the first attempt of merging efforts on
CERN RD44 (GEANT4, An object-oriented toolkit for simulation in HEP)
and CERN RD45 (A persistent object manager for HEP), the use and
performance of OODBMS persistency for LHC software will be introduced.
The main topics are
1) class design of "hits+digi" category,
2) usage of OODBMS for "hits+digi" simulated data,
3) results of benchmarks.
Some estimations for LHC detector simulation will be also shown.